Natural Gas Supply

Natural Gas

RLD’s intellectual capital in the Chicago gas market is one of our most valuable assets. We believe that the knowledge of our team of gas specialists can be translated into value for our clients. We help them evaluate their opportunities, plan strategy and anticipate the dynamics of price, supply and demand in this evolving marketplace. We offer two primary consulting services on the gas side: a supply portfolio evaluation service and a supply acquisition service.

The supply portfolio evaluation and supply acquisition services offered by RLD Resources are mutually exclusive and provide a great deal of value when utilized by our clients, either separately or together.

The Natural Gas Portfolio Evaluation:

RLD Resources will take a facility’s current twelve-month natural gas supply data and evaluate its critical components, commodity pricing, utility rate structure, gas storage utilization, overall portfolio risk and billing errors. Each of these components will be evaluated to identify potential savings and reduce overall risk to our client. We also will communicate critical market trends that may have significant impact on our client’s annual supply cost.

Natural Gas Supply Acquisition:

RLD Resources will take annual natural gas load and negotiate competitive supply arrangements with gas marketers and gas supply wholesalers. We will negotiate natural gas contract terms and commodity pricing on behalf of our client, and will assist in customer advocacy.

Contact Us to learn more about Natural Gas services.